
Emergency Settings

How MIMOSA Pro Is Used In


Emergency Settings

Bedside tissue assessment in all corners of the world or every aspect of medical emergency. MIMOSA Pro provides every caregiver, regardless of training, with a standardized method of capturing tissue health status supported by accurate, medical images. This can include military, sports and mass casualty events, including the use by Paramedics. The remote analysis by a specialist, if necessary, can identify and quantify tissue health risk wherever the patient is located.

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Every minute counts when it comes to saving limbs or lives, and that means having the right specialist on hand, armed with the right technology and information to deliver point-of-injury care.

This matters more in certain situations particularly those of traumatic injury or mass casualty, where triaging becomes vital to save as many limbs or lives as possible. For example, providing medical care in a war zone poses unique challenges to care providers operating on the front line and across the care continuum. For paramedics as the first responders the provision of assessment tools can greatly impact the delivery of appropriate care right from the beginning of the healthcare journey.

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Every minute counts when it comes to saving limbs or lives, and that means having the right specialist on hand, armed with the right technology and information to deliver point-of-injury care.

This matters more in certain situations particularly those of traumatic injury or mass casualty, where triaging becomes vital to save as many limbs or lives as possible. For example, providing medical care in a war zone poses unique challenges to care providers operating on the front line and across the care continuum. For paramedics as the first responders the provision of assessment tools can greatly impact the delivery of appropriate care right from the beginning of the healthcare journey.

Mobile tools elevating workflow

Mobile tools that allow users to securely capture and share patient information improves workflows, enables more informed clinical decision-making, speeds treatment response times and facilitates better coordination across the entire care continuum, so patients receive efficient care and support.

MIMOSA Pro can help facilitate this risk profiling, providing better communication flow to aid triage and prepare any receiving staff upon admission to the desired healthcare setting. MIMOSA Pro is a solution designed to transmit mobile health device information straight from the point of injury to the cloud for immediate access by any receiving facility to improve care coordination.

The future of in the field healthcare is mobile and portable technologies.

The faster we can deploy these via smartphones at the point-of-injury care, the sooner we can preserve life and limb.

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